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Do Sexual Harassment Laws Extend to Others Besides Employees?

Sexual harassment continues to be a pervasive problem in California workplaces. Although laws exist to protect employees from unwelcome and aggressive behavior, harassment continues to occur.

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Changes to Labor Law

California has always been one of the national leaders in terms of worker protection. The politics of the state means that it moves more aggressively to regulate the relationship between workers and employers.

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Employees Can Enforce FMLA Rights in Two Ways

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is an essential law that permits workers to take time off to tend to personal or family health concerns without being concerned about job loss. The FMLA offers certain employees up to three months of job-protected, unpaid leave annually.

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Identifying Sexual Harassment in The Workplace

If you have ever experienced sexual harassment at work in California, you know how difficult and uncomfortable it can be. Workplace sexual harassment can take many different forms, including unwelcome sexual advances or other visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

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Pregnancy Discrimination in The Workplace

Many healthy mothers in California are able to work through their entire pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, it’s her decision whether to take time off from work or not.

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Wrongful Termination and At-Will Employment

If you live in California and work for an employer within the state, you generally are classified as an at-will employee, although there are certain exceptions. While this type of employment means both employer and employee can end the employment relationship at any time, wrongful termination does occasionally happen.

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Can You Be Terminated While on Medical Leave?

As a general rule, California employers cannot retaliate against you for taking advantage of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This piece of legislation gives you up to 12 weeks of unpaid time away from your employer to care for yourself or a relative.

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Sexual Harassment: A Legal Interpretation

Sexual harassment in California prohibits anyone from harassing an employee in a way that causes the person to feel intimidated. Although the common interpretation involves a manager or supervisor making sexual advances, the term has broader connotations.

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Eligibility Under the FMLA in California

As a worker in California, many unpredictable circumstances may arise when going about your daily life, like illness, disability or your child’s birth. Fortunately, the Family Medical Leave Act can support you during such times by ensuring that you get adequate leave and job reinstatement.

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How Prevalent Is Discrimination in The Workplace?

Although you might think that discrimination in California workplaces in the 21st century doesn’t happen, sadly, the opposite is true. More and more employees, especially younger ones who make up Gen-Z, are experiencing these types of problems in their places of employment.

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